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That there are many evidential points that are simply unexplainable by those who believe the Warren Commission is indisputable.

My favorite one is James Chaney - whom believers admit the evidence that he went forward of the limo and spoke with Chief Curry - yet are forced by the evidence to put this episode in a completely unbelievable context.

The scenario, as described by the witnesses, is that the Presidential limo slowed dramatically, and even came to a brief stop, during which James Chaney shot forward, and told Chief Curry that JFK had been shot. At that time, AND BASED ON THIS INFORMATION, Chief Curry ordered two things - that the convoy immediately take off for the Hospital, and a search be conducted of the area he believed the shots had come from.

Believers will admit that the Presidential limo was traveling 30-40 mph as it went under the Triple Overpass... they will admit that the evidence shows that the lead vehicle containing Chief Curry WAS NEVER COMPLETELY PASSED by the Presidential limo - then they will explain that Chaney spoke with Curry at a point when the vehicles were exceeding 40 mph. Anyone who's ever ridden a motorcycle immediately realizes the silliness of this claim.

No-one disputes that the shooting of JFK happened at 12:30... the same time to the minute, that Chaney had his conversation with Chief Curry - and Curry issued his radio orders.

Yet if you base the facts ONLY on the photographic evidence, Chaney never spoke with Curry... the only possible time he could have done so was in excess of 40 mph - which is simply not credible.

Other items that simply have no explanation from believers:
  • The provable intimidation by the FBI on eyewitnesses.
  • The stated intimidation by the CIA on a staff lawyer of the Warren Commission.
  • The refusal by the Warren Commission to examine clearly relevant photos.
  • The refusal by the Warren Commission to call witnesses that would have demolished their theory.
  • The refusal by the Warren Commission to have any 'defense counsel' - with the ability to force them into an air-tight case.
  • The frequency with which the Warren Commission intentionally misrepresented the evidence & testimony to fit their theory. (I've previously discussed numerous examples, such as the "hidden" clipboard, or the testimony of Mrs. Tice)
  • The extremely speedy cleaning of the limo - a Secret Service Agent attempted to get a bucket of water and sponge BEFORE JFK WAS EVEN IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM.
  • The early evidence that only two shots were fired from the TSBD.
  • The outright lie that there was no evidence for multiple shooters.
  • The proven impersonation of Oswald in Mexico City. (Many believers simply deny this fact)
  • The corrosion pattern on the bullets allegedly retrieved from Oswald.
  • The lying by the HSCA regarding the medical testimony.
  • The refusal of the Warren Commission to keep a complete record. (Constantly rehearsing witnesses before their testimony, and going off the record)
  • The fact that Autopsy photos have disappeared while under Government control.
  • The pervasive evidence for unknown people who identified themselves as Secret Service Agents in Dealey Plaza.
  • The fact that NAA testing that supported Oswald's innocence was covered up by the Warren Commission.
  • The fact that the rifle testing conducted by the Warren Commission (indeed, all ballistics testing conducted) failed to support the Warren Commission's theory.
  • The bullet entered Connally's wrist from the OUTSIDE to the inner ... virtually inconceivable based on the SBT. (Not even addressed by the Warren Commission - for good reason!)
The list could be many times longer - but in the interest of brevity, I'll stop now... since I know that Patrick, or any other believer, simply cannot address any of these issues in any credible way. Denial, lying, and ad hominem attacks seem to be the only resources available to believers... and since most forms of ad hominem are disallowed in this forum, most believers will never post here.

There will be NO ANSWERS to any of the above topics that are both credible, and provide citations to the evidence in support. A prediction that isn't risky at all, since more that 50 years worth of explanations have never touched on these issues in any credible way.