
Full Version: Ultimate Truth Found In The WCR.
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Anonymous Believer Wrote:The WCR is the only thing anyone needs to believe. It is the one and only truth. You guys seem to the think truth is like a smorgasbord in which you can pick and choose what you like. The reality is the truth offers you just one choice and since it's one you don't like, you choose to believe in fiction instead. I will admit it's more interesting doing it your way. You can believe just about anything you want to and you prove that every day. 


This shows the true faith that believers have. "The WCR is the only thing anyone needs to believe. It is the one and only truth." - everytime I think I'm conversing with real people who have intelligence, it's statements like this that slap me in the face...

"The WCR is the only thing anyone needs to believe. It is the one and only truth." - these are the very same people who absolutely REFUSE to publicly admit that a tremendous amount of evidence in the JFK case directly conflicts with other evidence.

They certainly cannot admit that the Warren Commission provably lied ... as even one Warren Commission staffer admitted.
Patrick couldn't think of any possible reply to this one...