
Full Version: Still A Problem - Over 50 Years Later...
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More than 50 years have elapsed, and believers still face the most basic of issues...

The one I'd like to focus on here is the lack of any evidence for transit. For the Warren Commission's theory to hold water, a bullet must have transited JFK's body.

Yet there's absolutely no evidence for this at all.

The strongest possible evidence would be the alleged damage seen to the apical portion of JFK's lung - yet the only photo(s) taken of this have disappeared.

Since there's no conceivable non-conspiratorial reason for this photo to go missing - one can credibly presume that the photo didn't support a transit conclusion ... (perhaps it showed damage from a frontal bullet - but no exit through the back...)

Even the idea that a bullet went through the body was only arrived at by speculation ... speculation that attempted to explain newly learned facts... (a bullet wound in JFK's throat) and this speculation occurred AFTER THE AUTOPSY WAS OVER.

Believers think that the strongest reason that a bullet must have transited (since they lack any hard evidence for this theory) is that no bullets were found in JFK.

Unfortunately, this requires that the testimony of the prosectors was honest - yet believers cannot explain the known facts... such as what JFK's body was doing between 6:40pm and 8pm.

It's inconceivable that no-one was doing anything at all with JFK during that time - yet believers must accept that this is precisely what happened... that JFK's body simply laid there with no activity whatsoever for close to an hour & a half.

This strains credulity to the breaking point.

Believers have no explanation for why the prosectors were forbidden from dissecting the track of the wound - EVEN AS THEY WERE ALLOWED TO DISSECT THE CHEST INCISIONS!!! (Which were clearly not bullet wounds.)

Patrick, or any other believer for that matter - are completely incapable of quoting this entire post, and responding point by point... and this clearly proves exactly what I've stated... that although more than 50 years have passed, there is still no evidence for even the most basic of facts required for the Warren Commission's theory to be true.

If there was no transit, then a conspiracy has been proven.

It's just that simple.