
Full Version: Vincent Bugliosi's 53 Reasons... #25 Refuted.
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(25) A store manager saw Oswald evading police sirens in front of his store. 

Again, sheer speculation. Indeed, in court, this would have been objected to - as the store manager could not possibly have known what was in the person's mind... who needs to first be identified as Oswald.

It hardly needs pointing out that such an action - PRESUMING IT TO BE TRUE - doesn't support the crime...

People can 'look' evasive all the time... it doesn't mean that they've just murdered someone. Indeed, just last night, I walked into a Post Office, took one look, and went right back out. (very evasive behavior indeed!)

The truth, of course, is that I saw a longer line that I wanted to simply stand in without a paperback to read... so I went back to the car - and grabbed the book I was reading... 'The Enemy' by Lee Child. I managed about 10 pages or so while standing in line...

And no-one was killed in the city that day to the best of my knowledge.

Yet another bit of Bugliosi "evidence" refuted, and believers are running away as fast as they can...