
Full Version: Vincent Bugliosi's 53 Reasons... #33 Refuted.
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(33) Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was found on the sixth floor of the TSBD.

It's never been established by credible evidence that this rifle belonged to Oswald. Now, I know that this will bring howls of complaint from Warren Commission Believers – but it's merely a fact.

Even if one were to assume, for the sake of argument, that this were Oswald's rifle – this is not ironclad evidence of Oswald's guilt. Since he was murdered before he could mount a defense, we have no idea what the circumstances were.

Once again, we have the presumption of guilt, and only then, looking at the evidence... rather than the other way around.

Anyone noticing the sound of crickets coming from Warren Commission believers on my refutations of Vincent Bugliosi?