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Extreme conspiracy theories
Today I found probably one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read on the JFK case and once again it makes me ask the question...if you do believe there was a conspiracy, why does it so often have to be extreme......
This guy thinks there were 11 shots........and the rest........
It is a You Tube post and he can't spell too well either......
Mists & Shadows 5 hours ago
So, if that is the ONLY BULLET that came forwards, through the car, and it is DOWN in Connally's thigh, in near perfect condition, why is there at least three holes FORWARD AND UP into the windshield?
Why do both Kellerman and Greer talk about a 'storm' of bullets coming into the car in their Warren Testimony? Why did the Secret Service find multiple bullet fragments all over the floorboards?
Why did ANOTHER bullet fall out of Connally's thigh, on the floor of Trauma-2, at Parkland?
Why did ANOTHER bullet, fall out of Kennedy's body, into the wrappings around his head, as they lifted the corpse from the casket for X-Rays? And what about the shot that nicked James Tague with spall or shrapnel, another 50 yards down the street?
We're talking a MINIMUM of six or seven shots into the car itself. Not counting the added shots into the Stemmons sign, the scrapes on the concrete manhole surround in the green belt and several more into street signs and lamps up and down Elm (Leroy Blevins: 11 shots).
No. The presumption that Oswald was the lone shooter and whether there were 2-3-4 shots is a standard misdirection/distraction effort that focusses on arguing over details to cover up the reality of THE LIE ITSELF. Which is that there were in fact far more and the witnesses only heard the shots whose direct report was closest to them.
There were half a dozen or more shots as two each from three teams. MINIMUM.
And the proof of this is twofold:
1. The HSCA was never allowed to further analyze reechoant patterns from positions /other than/ The Grassy Knoll. As in the Records Building, DalTex or Sherriff's Office. Could not continue to sort the wheat from the chaff to get the perfect acoustic overlay. This has not happened event yet, to this day. Even when shell casings were found atop the Records building.
2. The lead fragments in Connally's body which could not have come from CE-399, the 'single bullet' which not only went right-left-right to strike two people. But up-down-up to hit the windshield at three different points, almost three feet apart, before returning to Connally's leg as a whole and undamaged projectile.
You get a good copy of Altgens 6. You look at Emory Roberts, sitting in the QM, as Dallas Detail chief. A man who was known throughout the Presidential Protection unit as 'serious to the point of taciturn' and you tell me why he's smiling that Mona Lisa grin after having pulled two agents off the car at Love Field and ordered another not to run forwards to the X-100 at the very last moment when it might have saved Kennedy's life.