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RE: Real Questions That WCR Supporters Run From...
(07-29-2016, 01:41 PM)Ben Holmes Wrote: Mark Ulrik Wrote:Ben Holmes Wrote:Mark Ulrik Wrote:Yeah, it's same line. I got 183 pixel units for Chaney and 191 for Hargis - a 4.4% difference. It's on page 3.
That's a rough estimate, of course, so - to make Ben happy - we could build in an uncertainty of (say) ± 1 pixel unit. That would give us a difference in the 3.3% to 5.5% range.
I'm happy with the truth.
And you still aren't telling it, are you?
How can you measure what no longer exists?
Why do you claim you can?
The distances do not disappear. Open your eyes.
If you don't like my figures, then please feel free to post your own. Do some work for a change.
It's the same with analogue photographs. Does degradation make it completely meaningless to measure distances in n-generation copies? Should only original negatives (or trannies) be used for that purpose?
The fact that you keep running from answering the question shows that you know the truth.
You've been schooled.
(07-29-2016, 02:13 PM)Mark Ulrik Wrote: Ben Holmes Wrote:Mark Ulrik Wrote:Ben Holmes Wrote:I'm happy with the truth.
And you still aren't telling it, are you?
How can you measure what no longer exists?
Why do you claim you can?
The distances do not disappear. Open your eyes.
If you don't like my figures, then please feel free to post your own. Do some work for a change.
It's the same with analogue photographs. Does degradation make it completely meaningless to measure distances in n-generation copies? Should only original negatives (or trannies) be used for that purpose?
The fact that you keep running from answering the question shows that you know the truth.
You've been schooled.
I think my irony meter just burst.
(07-29-2016, 05:21 PM)Ben Holmes Wrote: Mark Ulrik Wrote:Ben Holmes Wrote:Mark Ulrik Wrote:The distances do not disappear. Open your eyes.
If you don't like my figures, then please feel free to post your own. Do some work for a change.
It's the same with analogue photographs. Does degradation make it completely meaningless to measure distances in n-generation copies? Should only original negatives (or trannies) be used for that purpose?
The fact that you keep running from answering the question shows that you know the truth.
You've been schooled.
I think my irony meter just burst.
Here's an example (originally a .tiff file) - but posted here as a jpg:
Now here's a closeup of the above jpg (on the left) with the original .tiff format on the right:
One doesn't have to be a graphics design artist to note the difference... you pretend that you can accurately measure pixels that no longer exist on the ear to the left...
But that's simply dishonesty on your part.
I noticed that you didn't say one word about the lack of photos & video for James Chaney's asserted conversation with Chief Curry...
Why is that, Mark?
I thought you weren't afraid of the topic of James Chaney?
Wow, that's some nasty compression artifacts.
Tell you what, Ben, this is the maximum quality version of my diagram. Feel free to put Chaney wherever you want him to be and make your own measurements.
As for the motorcycle windshields, the AP and Corbis HQs are easy enough to find on the interwebs. Feel free to make your own measurements on them as well.
Report back to us when you're done. You won't do that, of course, because the results will scare the living daylights out of you.