When you look at the images of the back of President Kennedy's head, on the left is shown a small wound which represents careful investigations by the US government beginning with the autopsy which was performed the night of his brutal murder and concluded with the Warren Commission's publication. The government's findings clearly showed a lone gunman killed President Kennedy.
On the right is shown a sketch which was drawn by a doctor at Parkland Hospital who said he saw a massive wound in the right posterior of President Kennedy's head. That wound could only have been caused by a bullet which was fired from the front of Kennedy and exited the right rear of his head. If it was only Doctor McClellan who said he saw a large exit wound in the back of his head, it could be ignored as a mistake by a person under extreme stress during extraordinary circumstances, but McClellan is not alone. There are dozens of other highly trained medical personnel who agree with Dr. McClellan's sketch shown on the right.
The basic question quickly becomes which figure correctly shows the condition of President Kennedy's head immediately after the shooting, the figure on the left or the figure on the right?
To correctly answer that question once and for all, we are going to use evidence that every student of the Kennedy assassination is very familiar with. But by doing a comparison that has never been
correctly done previously by anyone, the basic outline of the shooting scenario will be quickly exposed which will finally answer the decades old question: Did a conspiracy kill President Kennedy?
FACT: There are TWO INDEPENDENT WAYS to determine the time between shots that were fired.
Obviously, if both of the methods used to determine the time between shots are real and valid, then those times would be the same. In other words, the time between shots #1 and #2 using Method A would be the same as the time between shots #1 and #2 using Method B and so on.
There are two times in the film that almost everyone agrees shots were fired:
1. Frame 313, the shot that hit President Kennedy in the head
2. Frame 224, the first frame when Gov. Connally begins his first reaction to a shot
The film speed was determined by filming a clock and by counting the number of frames per second (18.3). That information allows us to calculate the time between those two shots:
TIME (frames Z224 to Z313) = (313 - 224)/18.3 = 4.8 seconds
During the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) review of the assassination of President Kennedy, an audio tape was reviewed by two separate teams of audio experts. They agreed that the sounds on the tape indicated that shots were probably fired in the following pattern:
It can be seen the times between shots #3 and #4 on the audio tape are the same as the times between shots fired at frame 224 and frame 313 on the Zapruder film. As stated earlier, if both the Zapruder film and the audio tape are valid, then reactions to shots that can be seen on the Zapruder film would have the same times between shots on an audio tape that has the sounds of the shots recorded.
The time 4.8 seconds between shots on both the Zapruder film and the audio tape indicate that both are valid!
Some additional explanation is required. An observant JFK expert would say at this point that the HSCA investigation only concluded that four shots were fired, not five as the figure above shows. It turns out that the HSCA did find there were six noise like patterns on the audio tape that might have indicated shots were fired but one of those six was rejected due to failure for it to statistically match test shot recordings that were made in a shooting experiment. But the HSCA was under pressure to close the investigation and quickly present their findings. Instead of showing five shots that were statistically valid, they only showed four as the HSCA audio experts concentrated on showing the grassy knoll shot was statistically valid to "95% of better".
It had to wait until 2000 when another researcher discovered that there were five statistically valid shot like patterns on the recording, not just four as had been publicized. With the fifth shot is shown, the interval of 4.8 seconds being in both the Zapruder film and the audio recording became easy to find for anyone using a calculator.
But today the vast majority of Kennedy assassination researchers believe the sounds of the shots were NOT recorded even though the vast majority of the researchers have little to no idea WHY that might be true. To avoid for now the unpleasant arguments about cross talk and what that issue means to the validity of the audio recording, let's instead look at the last interval between shots #4 and #5 on the audio recording.
The figure shows the last two shots were fired 0.7 seconds apart. Did any witnesses say they heard the last two shots closely spaced shots?
Patsy Paschall heard POW a pause then POW-POW
Patrica Ann Donaldson heard the first shot, PAUSE then BAM-BAM
James Tague heard a shot that sounded like a fire cracker then THE CRACK-CRACK of two rifle shots
No matter how many witnesses say they heard BANG-BANG, it does not PROVE that is true. For example, the US government concluded those last two sounds were echoes, not separate shots. If that were true, then, WHY DIDN' T the first shot echo like the last shot allegedly echoed? Once again, the question needs to be answered: Was the government or the witnesses right about the last two shot like sounds?
But moving on: The first shot interval of 4.8 seconds showed that shot #4 in the audio analysis was the one that hit President Kennedy in the head. Those JFK experts familiar with the audio evidence know that shot #4 was shown to be fired from the right front of Kennedy and then the last shot was fired from behind the limousine. At this point, what happened in the Zapruder film 0.7 seconds AFTER President Kennedy was shot in the head (when shot #5 was fired)?
As can be seen, John Connally's head snapped downward violently 0.7 seconds AFTER President Kennedy was shot in the head exactly when the audio evidence shows the last shot was fired. Is there additional information that supports Gov. Connally being shot a split second after JFK was shot in the head?
John Connally tells us the force of the blow to his back bent him over which is exactly what we see in the Zapruder film. J
ohn Connally was not bent over as he described he was until a split second after President Kennedy was shot in the head.
To pull off this scam which the public believes is a mystery, it was necessary for the conspirators to make the press and the public ignore what the witnesses told us happened both during and after the shooting. And ignore the witnesses the press did both then and now.
1. Dozens of witnesses tell us they heard the last two shots fired BANG-BANG
2. Not a single medical person that saw President Kennedy in Trauma Room 1 at Parkland saw wounds similar to what is seen in the Zapruder film
3 A statistically significant number of people said they heard shots from a different place than the TSBD
When you looked at the Zapruder film when the last shot was fired that hit President Kennedy in the head, you thought that Gov. Connally was yanked over into his wife's lap when Connally moves forward shortly after because you were told that is true by those you trusted. At this point, do you still trust the US government to tell you the truth?
Starting here, you can finally know what happened during the shooting. You can determine how many shots were fired, where they were fired from and what wounds each shot caused. But more importantly, you can finally determine why you were lied to by a government that will do anything to hide the truth. ANYTHING but let the citizens know that a conspiracy killed President Kennedy.
And besides, it is so easy to lie to Americans. The presstitutes think their job is to tell the citizens what the US government wants them to know. And if the little people don't believe what they see on TV and in the newspaper, then call them "conspiracy theorists." That will shut them up.
NOTE: Not everything witnesses say is true. To determine the truth, you have to use evidence to determine the best hypothesized scenario and then compare it to what the witnesses say happened. In this case, you can only use evidence the US government could not have forged because once you accept any of the forged evidence, you will get the wrong answers. It is the main reason the government has been successful in hiding the truth for so long. But now, the pubic can be shown what really happened and the guilty men can be exposed.