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Re: Dishonest Patrick's question
Garry you state
"You believe that Oswald decided to do the deed a couple of days before. I simply cannot buy that."
There is no evidence to suggest Oswald had meetings or contacts with individuals in the weeks leading up to the event. His landlady stated he stayed in his room and read. His telephone calls were with Marina - in Russian. There are no reports of Oswald in a bar, cafe, restaurant etc in Nov 1963 in Dallas.
Now of course it cannot be rules out that Oswald had no contacts, but there is no hint of them.
Personally I think it most likely Oswald hatched the plan when the newspaper printed the route which was as I recall Tuesday Nov 19.
I see no need whatsoever for a grand plan - as you seem to do. You say these things take time. Not for a lone gunman they don't.
Oswald has a rifle and ammo
He works in a building overlooking the route
He takes the rifle into work
Builds apile of boxes on which to rest his rifle and opens the window
Aims .....fires.....
Hardly needs great planning.
A simple act of murder.
"Too much evidence needs to be ignored," what?
He ordered his rifle in March to shoot Walker. He keeps the rifle.
We don't know where gets the ammo from - maybe left over from New Orleans earlier that year.